Thursday, January 15, 2009


I have to start off today with a major complaint. The kids are out of school today because it is cold. That’s right because it’s cold. Not because of too much snow, it is a “cold” day. What the hell is that? I remember having snow days but give me a break. I have more than enough issues with the educational system, not really the teachers, but the system. No child left behind, lack of art, lack of music, and a lack of social studies. Math and English are important but so is creativity. Art and music promote creativity. Is it just me or are we creeping closer to living in an Orwellian society back in 1984?

A friend of mine, I call him a friend even though we have never met however I feel like I know him, serving in Afghanistan wrote that to solve the problems over there that we needed to put our(the United States) resources into schools. Then utilize the military to protect those schools. If we could just provide an education to people who don’t know any better, there is a good chance that they will begin to see the injustices for themselves and rise up against their oppressors. Maybe we should also look closer on the home front. Our educational system is in dire need of repair.

Spinning around on my soap box, I was getting my hair cut yesterday and the issue of government came up. The majority of the people where sitting around complaining that our government officials are corrupt. I sat there quietly and listened to the complaints. “There is nothing we can do about corrupt officials”, “Government officials do whatever they want, they are not acting on the people’s behalf”, and “Everyone is corrupt.” After a few minutes of listening to this lunacy, I had to say something. “It is our responsibility as citizens to exercise a certain power provided to us by that same government, part of that whole checks and balances system. It is called voting.” The response I got was “voting doesn’t help there are not enough people to change things.” I guess they are right, we should give up and let the status quo remain. Or to quote the Declaration of Independence “That whenever any form of government becomes destructive to these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to affect their safety and happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shown that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such government, and to provide new guards for their future security.” I am by no means advocating an overthrow of our government. Again for any governmental censors out there, I am by no means advocating an overthrown of our government. We need to adjust government. What the statement is saying is that if there is a problem with the government, we the people must change things. This is the foundation of our independence. We send our soldiers overseas to address these issues, we need to stand together at home as well and solve these issues.

Sorry for the rant, but there are obviously things that I believe deeply in. This country happens to be one of those things. I do not care if the Republicans, Democrats, or even the Green party changes things. Let’s get behind a group that is for real change and real progress. Now I am a Republican that sits close to the middle of the road, I do not hate the fact that our new president is a Democrat. According to my father this country needs Democrats to fix our problems. He is also fond of telling me that someday I will be a Democrat and I should just go ahead and accept that fact and move on. Maybe, he has been right about some things throughout my life. Before you start smiling to much dad, the key world there is “some”. I hope President Obama will do some good, if he cannot you can be damn sure I will be out there doing everything I can to make sure he does not get a second term.

Ok let’s see is there anything else I can talk about. I know how about religion. Just kidding, I am not going there.

I thought of a few more questions to add to yesterday’s post:
6) Why is it that when my damn dog goes to the bathroom in the house, does she do it on the floor on my site of the bed?
7) Along the same lines, is there anything worse than a wet sock?
8) In the middle of the night when getting up to go to the bathroom or get something to drink and you step on a high heel shoe of your significant other (I am not judging here) strategically placed and pointed up, is it wrong to scream loudly making sure that everyone in the house is woken up by your pain? The same applies to little freaking toys left out by children.
9) Why is it that after you are done going to the bathroom you look over and realize that the toilet paper is empty and the nearest full roll in 10 ft away?

Top Ten Music Albums: These are in no particular order of importance.

"No Fences" Garth Brooks: Set the bar for music in my generation.
"Twice the Speed of Life" Sugarland: Stunning vocals and all around good album.
"Country Club" Travis Tritt: This was the first country album I owned.
"Hysteria" Def Leppard: This was the first concert I ever went to see.
"Greatest Hits" Kenny Chesney: I hate greatest hits albums but this is a collection of good songs from earlier albums.
"Slippery When Wet" Bon Jovi: Do you even need a reason this made the list?
"Appetite for Destruction" Guns N' Roses: A brand new and unique sound, a promising start.
"The Joshua Tree" U2: Their best album, newer material not any good.
"Who Needs Pictures" Brad Paisley: The first album in what has become a phenomenal career.
"Not a Moment too Soon" Tim McGraw: An album where song after song does not disappoint.

Top Ten Songs: Again in no particular order. Before anyone starts in with me, this is my list.

“Friends in Low Places” Garth Brooks: Is there any one on that does not know the words to this song regardless of your musical tastes?
“Rock and Roll All Night” KISS: Party anthem, tough to beat except with maybe…
“The Joker” Steve Miller Band: Party anthem number 2 on the list.
“Sweet Home Alabama” Lynyrd Skynyrd: Party anthem number 1. Turn it up.
“The Visit” Chad Brock: A heart wrenching song that gets me every time I hear it.
“November Rain” Guns N’ Roses: Mainly because my mom could play it on the piano.
“The Dance” Garth Brooks: Everyone can relate to this song.
“Country Roads” John Denver: These roads will always take you home.
“The Gambler” Kenny Rogers: Taught us when to hold ‘em and when to fold ‘em
“Photograph” Nickelback: Most of it just fits.

Until Tomorrow.

1 comment:

  1. With age comes wisdon-if you live long enough you will realize why all smart people are democrates
