Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Page Edits

I am attempting to make some changes to this site (content and layout), so if you notice anything unusual just refresh your browser. Chances are that I have already fixed the issue. I am sure that this is something I will be doing a lot; as I get bored often

New additions to the page:
Updated “Playing on the iPod” with videos (if they are available) and lyrics (for those of you like my wife that are lyrically challenged)

Added “Calvin and Hobbes” daily cartoon strip. If you have to ask why then you have never read Calvin and Hobbes and I encourage you to start.

I also have fixed the comment section. Someone complained that she could not post a comment. I will not say who (Lisa), but she happens to have a little influence on me.

Until Tomorrow

1 comment:

  1. Chris - I like the Calvin and Hobbes addition. I haven't read the comic since they stopped running it in the papers 15 or so years ago. I always did get a kick out them though. - Molly
