Tuesday, January 20, 2009

A New World

Below are comments and opinions of today’s events. The comments are on the events as they occur. Some of you may be surprised. I also may be jumping around a little, so you will just have to deal with my ADHD. I am sure it will not be eloquent or even make sense, but I am the one doing the writing.

I have been watching the inauguration for a few minutes now. I find the formalities interesting. Going to the same church, having coffee with the Bush and his wife, and then riding out to the capital together. This is where history actually begins.

I do think this is a historic day, the first African-American to take office as President of the United States. Now I do have a couple of thoughts about some of what I believe are misconceptions about President Obama. The first is that race relations in this country will change. Race relations in this country have been changing for a long time. There will still be strife between the races. Just because an African-American is President does not mean these issues are going to go away. Individuals who have felt persecuted for 400 years are not going to feel vindicated over night. “Equal Rights” for all is a myth. Power is a commodity that people want and there will always be people complaining that they do not have enough. This is an issue that I believe will always exist. Some minority group will always feel slighted. People fear change. Electing an African-American President is one thing. Changing the way people feel is a whole different thing. An African-American President was not made possible due to the changing of people’s beliefs; it should be attributed to changes in the electorate. Personally I feel that as a country we need to move forward. Stop living in the past and stop discussing past transgressions. Do not forget the past, just stop reliving it and stop throwing it back in everyone’s face. A second thought is have we set the bar to high for President Obama? Could anyone live up to these expectations? Fix the economy? End the war? Find alternative energy and put it in place? I do not believe that any of us can fathom the pressure that is put on a President everyday let alone the pressures put on President Obama. I hope that he is successful in even 10% of the things that he needs to get accomplished.

Watching this unfold is truly amazing. Now I am watching CNN. They are providing some good information but for the most part they are filling in with a bunch of crap. They are now showing all the VIPs walking in. I understand the former Presidents, Vice Presidents and members of congress and other political figures. However the movie stars need to go away. This is just proof positive that money does buy everything. This country has come a long way. The Constitution says that non free individual were only worth 3/5 of a person. Now, we are all free and an African-American is President. We should not over shadow the fact that we are getting a new President. I guess if race relations have moved forward enough we would not be swearing in an “African-American” President. Can we be truly free of racism when we still label people?
The former Presidents and their wives are now being introduced, starting with Carter, followed by Bush Senior, then Clinton and finally Bush Junior. Our entire government is sitting within 50 feet of each other. Supreme Court Justices, members of congress, the new Presidential cabinet, and of course the Vice President and new President. The formalities and the ceremony is a sight to be seen. The transfer of power is an awesome spectacle, the changing of the guard. It is interesting how people just look the part. Police officers have a certain look about them and you know they are police officers. A few months ago Obama did not look Presidential. He does now. Yes I realize that it is a psychological thing but I still find it interesting. It can be difficult to understand history when it unfolds in front of us. The impact is unknown. I do not believe that any of us can understand it. The separation of church and state is right out the window here. No I do not have issue of prayer anywhere. We all should pray more. Aretha Franklin is now singing “My Country ‘Tis of Thee”. I think Lee Greenwood and “God Bless the U.S.A” would have been a better choice, but that is just me. I like Aretha and I understand the symbolism of having her up there singing. R.E.S.P.E.C.T. The Vice President is taking the oath on a Bible that his wife is struggling to hold up. Beautiful music performed by some of the best artist, but do we really need a musical interlude? Now that I hear the music and see the images I cannot imagine not having this interlude. Obama became President by law during the music. And now for the 35 words: The oath of office as set out by the Constitution, Article II Section 1, "I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the office of President of the United States; and will, to the best of my ability, preserve, protect and defend, the Constitution of the United States." Even though the oath was messed up by the Chief Justice; President Obama who obviously knew the oath, made it through. I would be so nervous I would most likely fall over.

President Obama is definitely a good speaker. The speech itself addressed the issue facing this country. The time has come to set aside childish things; speaks volumes of about what he will attempt to do while in office. As he said, “Greatness is earned” pointing to those that came before and earned that moniker of greatness. We do need to pick ourselves up and dust ourselves off. We all have the opportunity to change and better ourselves. The changes he is proposing are on a grand scale; new energy, health care overhaul, and economic growth. Ambitious, absolutely, but this country needs to get behind something, behind someone that at least wants to attempt lofty goals. Challenging the cynics by pointing out how imagination has allowed this country to overcome all previous obstacles. JFK said, “I believe that this nation should commit itself to achieving the goal, before this decade is out, of landing a man on the moon and returning him safely to the earth”; this was just crazy talk in 1961. Obama has placed the American people at forefront of the world to once again become leaders in the international community. I am impressed with the goals and the strength of his speech, inspiring with history and promises of future. I cannot even begin to describe the feelings as the words were spoken, vivid imagery and amazing delivery.

I did not vote for President Obama, but I hope he does the job he needs to do. Today, I believe the country made the right choice. God Bless our Troops and God Bless America.
Until Tomorrow.

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