Friday, January 30, 2009


I have been sitting here all day looking at Facebook. Which after careful consideration I do believe is the dumbest freaking thing I have ever seen. It is not as if people are having actual conversations. It is not as if people are actually text messaging. Someone puts up a post of what they are doing. This consists of a sentence or two at most. Now I just updated my profile and all of these people from high school start adding me as a “friend”. I did not like these people in high school, what makes them think that I might give a crap about their lives now? Do not get me wrong I had some friends in high school, but I have moved on. If I was given a lineup I would not be able to pick out 10 people from high school. I cannot even get my head around the stupidity of this site. I mean what does this site think it is, blogspot?

Anyway, I received a disturbing phone call last night. My father called and left a message for my aunt to call him. Yes you read that correctly. Apparently, my aunt and I are close on the speed dial. Now for the disturbing part, I am number 9 on my own father’s speed dial. Number 9!?!?!? I guess it is only fair since I do not even have anyone one speed dial. Honestly being that low on the speed dial range is not necessarily a bad thing. He may forget to call me as often. Just kidding dad, you know I enjoy every second of our phone calls.

Until Tomorrow


  1. How do I get my picture into the followers to replace the one that has a shadow picture now?

  2. Hey, they likely were your friends once! You were a cool and popular guy!!

    Have you seen the comic strip "Zits"? It is about a teenager living at home, and he has weird ideas. Funny!!

    Dad finally got the picture, I think.

    Nice day here.


  3. I keep thinking about friends, life is so short and the older that I get, I realize, I need all the friends and want to get all of them that I can. I have had many friends that I did not get along with early in live, and I did not even call them a friend at that time, but when the work or other negative relationship ended,we always came together as true friends and the bad times faded out of memory.
