Thursday, December 18, 2008

Winter Break

Well I can finally close the books on yet another semester of school. Winter break has now officially begun. No that does not mean I don’t have to work. So it is more like a half of a break. One semester to go (knock on wood); it seems so close but at the same moment so far away.

The kids are about to start their winter break as well. Friday is their last day. However according to the weatherman we are supposed to get 6 to 10 inches of snow tonight and another 2 to 3 tomorrow. I will believe it when I see it. The weatherman lies. He always lies. Come to think of it, that would not be a bad job. Do you even need an education to open a window and tell people it’s raining? Maybe set a cup outside to let everyone know how much rain we actually got. Who cares how much we got?!!? It is rain; there is not much we can do about it.

What was I talking about, oh that’s right the kids beginning winter break. They came home from school today and said they needed gifts for their teachers. Thanks for the warning. What gift does a teacher deserve? Shouldn’t the joy of teaching be enough to get them through the holiday?

Teachers, people who do the job not for the money but for what? Is it the love of teaching? Or is it the old adage “Those who can’t do, teach.” The job has to be difficult. They are providing the future generations with an education. Now we have no child left behind. What a bunch of crap. Other countries are kicking our @$$ in the education arena. We have to ensure that everyone gets an equal chance at a crappy education. Today we focus on math and reading. Students are measured on these two criteria. What happen to science and music? Well science is not all that important. What has it provided us in the past few hundred years? How about the automobile, modern medicine, telephones, and HD television? If there ever was an overrated activity that does not promote creativity music is it. Then there is the subject of gym. A nation that is obese does nothing but toss complaints out about playing games in gym (like dodge ball), because they can cause a child’s self-esteem to drop if they lose. SHUT THE HELL UP!! We are teaching our children that everyone is equal, when clearly we are not. There are people who win and people who lose. It is a fact. Deal with it.

So for now it seems we are stuck with the educational measuring stick at math and reading. I guess in this economy those are important tools to have. The problem is that these two are not working either. Millions of people can’t do the simple math of how much of a home they can afford. Then when they read the foreclosure notice they complain that no one told me this would happen. No need to worry because there was apparently a class in school that taught everyone how to blame their problems on other people.

Fine, I will climb down from the soapbox now. I am hungry.

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