Tuesday, December 23, 2008

To my family

This has been a weird year. I am going to attempt say thanks, I have no doubt I will forget something or say something wrong, understand what is below is from the heart and said with the best of intentions (Yes, I know which road is paved with these).

I turn 35 this year. It seems so old; then I look at my dad and realize he is 70. On the plus side all my stupidity did not seem to lead him to an early grave, which is a good thing.

I have the feeling that my dad and I have come to a mutual understanding. We are both full of crap in our own ways. He is still smarter than I am (I know I said it, it is now in print). It has been a good year with my dad. He used to have the uncanny ability to drive me crazy. Not so much anymore. However, he does have a telephone issue. He calls my cell and if I do not answer in time, he immediately calls the house phone. Give me a second to at least try an answer the other phone. Even the fact that he is a Democrat doesn’t bother me as much as it should.

My mother, God bless her, is still the same wonderful person she has always been. There is no other person on this planet that has the ability to care than her. She has a hidden strength that runs deep. She has put up with me and my dad, for that she should win an award.

Cat, my sister we have never been close, most of the time we are in different worlds. Since Thanksgiving we have talked a couple of times, which happens to be more than we have talked all year. I enjoy it. I hope the next year brings more frequent communications.

On to my wife, she also seems to have a hidden strength. Now, she may not be able to reach the top shelf without help of a ladder but she is a rock. I don’t know how she does it but I hope she never stops. For someone so short, she towers above many people. Just goes to show that even morons like me get lucky sometimes.

When M & M moved to Chicago I was not sure how it would work out. I was scared. Scared to make a mistake with them; not be able to teach them what they need to know. It has not been easy, but I feel that they have taught me a few things. I am happy they are here with us. They make everyday an adventure. For all the ways that they can drive me crazy, there are just as many things that they do that make me smile.

My best friend or brother from another mother has had a year that is full of ups and downs. His daughter has had more than her share of medical issues and is now (knock on wood) coming out of them. This year he lost his father and grandfather. Yet through all that the world throws at him, he stands there and rolls with the punches. Displaying character that I know his father would be proud of. I know that I am proud of him. It is difficult for guys to show emotions to other guys but he is my friend and I have learned a lot from him. I look forward to the next year with my friend. By the way, his family is expecting another baby.

On to my extended family, each has been a blessing. The teacher: always teaching and providing the guidance of a sage. The candy girl: crazy and interesting. I can never tell what she is going to do next. The brother-in-law and his hippy girl life partner, the only two people I know that seem to live life. This may not be true because I am on the outside looking in but it does seem that way. That leaves me with big H and exercise gal. I guess I could refer to these two as the travel twins, but I like the current names. They may not realize it but they are role models for the rest of the family. I know it sounds like I am out of my mind. They show the rest of us that getting older does not mean we have to slow down. I mean that in a good way. By setting the example of “do everything you can in your life and enjoy it, damn it.”

Each of you is a part of my family and I cannot say enough good things about you. I may not always show it or say it but I love you all.

Wow, that was pretty sappy. Sorry, my cynicism will return soon.

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