Saturday, December 13, 2008

Don't give up

I was hoping for a lazy Saturday, but it is not going to happen. Finals start next week. Here is what I have to get done for next week:
  • A paper for International Relations due Monday. Will most likely end up around 15 pages.
  • Take an online final exam for Business Law Due by Tomorrow.
  • Normal class on Wednesday.
  • Finish paper for U.S. Elections, 10 pages, 5 are done. Prepare for a comprehensive final on Thursday.

Now that is what has to be done, here is what has transpired so far today. Michael had basketball pictures today. We had to go to the park district, along with every other kid in town who is playing basketball, to have team and individual photos. The only issue here was the fact that pictures were at 10:00AM then we had to drive to another location by 11:00AM for the game. Now just so you know I have all but inserted myself as a coach on the team. I didn't ask the other coach; I literally just walked on to the practice floor and started coaching the kids. This should not come as a shock to anyone who knows me. Let’s move on to the game or as I will start calling it operation chaos. For those of you that have not had the opportunity to see a fourth grade basketball game, you really should go at least once. It is basically 10 kids running up and down the floor with no particular place to go. Yes, the coaches have tried to teach them plays. THEY ARE 9 YEARS OLD!!!! They need to learn the fundamentals first. Like, oh I don’t know dribbling, passing, and how about shooting. .
Michael’s team, the Tar Heels, went into the game 0-3. Now anyone who knows Michael knows who well he handles losing. The team was looking good in warm-ups. Then the game started. To put it nicely the Tar Heels could not buy a basket. It was as if there was a lid over the basket. The other team could not miss. I am not even kidding. I have seen teams go on runs before but this was ridiculous. The half time score was 20 – 8. The previous three games the teams scored just a little over 20 for the game. The Tar heels were beginning to crumble. Michael and another player on the team were so distraught over the prospect of losing another game they were almost in tears. Now don’t get me wrong, I hate to lose as well, but if I lose I will try as hard as I can then go home and cry. The third quarter was played with little scoring. The fits on the side line where starting, Michael and the other child. I spoke with both kids and attempted to get their heads on straight and focus on the task at hand. It worked. Michael and the other kid played great. Passing back and forth and driving to the basket. The first half of the fourth quarter the two scored ten points combined while playing tight defense allowing only four points. A quick side note, all the kids play. Half of the team plays the first half of the quarter then the other half the second part. So the last part of the fourth quarter was maybe one of the most embarrassing times of mine and Lisa’s lives. Michael was not playing; his was sitting on the bench throwing a MAJOR fit. He really hates to lose. It really took all my control not to drag him out of the gym. The Tar Heels lost 36 – 22.

The really hard part about raising a 9 year old is teaching him how to win and lose with class. Kids just don’t get the fact that in just about everything they do there are winners and losers (More on this in another post). It is not just about showing up, it is about showing up, playing hard, and never giving up until the end of the game. I don’t know how I am going to teach this lesson. But I won’t give up.

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