Tuesday, December 30, 2008

It's Funny

I was just browsing my high school classmates on Facebook. It is truly amazing how fast time passes. High School seems like it was just yesterday. I search my brain in an attempt to find a fond memory of that time. Nothing. I am sure I had some fun and got into some trouble, but nothing really sticks out. I guess the age old questions are, "Would I go back and do it again?" and "If I could change just one thing, what would it be?" That is really what looking back on years past is about isn't it? Reminisce about this or that. Find a place that is packed full of questions with no answers. "What if" and "Why?" In the end it doesn't matter. It is all about who I used to be. It is the past. I learned from the mistakes, I hope. Now, I am sure that there are some people who would like to believe that things have not changed and they are the same people they were back then. Personally, I believe everything has changed; my glory days were not spent in high school. They are being spent now.

“Change is the law of life. And those who look only to the past or present are certain to miss future.” — JFK

So, would I change anything or go back and do it all over? No. No I would not. Any change would alter my life today and possibly change who I am, maybe even change the husband, the father, the friend, or the person I strive to be and that is just not worth it. I am okay with my station in life.

I should go to bed now. Good night.

Saturday, December 27, 2008

Christmas has pasted

Now that Christmas is over we have one week before normalcy returns. The kids are out of school next week. A whole week with nothing to do, they are going to drive me crazy. They are already doing it now. "I am bored" or "There is nothing to play with" are the most common phrases of the last two days. I have to say that it takes an inordinate amount of self control not to pummel the children with their "Guitar Hero". No, wow I had a great Christmas or I am so lucky to have any gotten anything at all. It is what have you done for me this second. I am sure I was like this as a child to some extent, but I am sure I would have had my butt handed to me. I don't require a lot of thanks or gratitude; however, I do think they could at least wait until the new year to start complaining. Now it is not as bad as it sounds, I am sure I am being melodramatic. Life goes on.

Here is an interesting story and a sad commentary on our society. A man at a movie theater watching “The Curious Case of Benjamin Button,” shot a man for talking, for talking!?!? Don’t get me wrong paying $20 to see a freaking movie is ridiculous. Hence the reason I don’t go to the theater. To take the family to the theater: $8 per adult - $16, $6 per child - $12, one large popcorn to share $10, four drinks $3.50 per - $14. $52 total not counting any candy. Plus I miss the movie if I have to go to the bathroom or get more to drink. Then there is the other people who I can’t get to shut the hell up. My solution is to wait two months and buy the DVD for $14.99, buy a box of popcorn for $1.50, and a twelve pack of whatever to drink; bringing my savings to a little over $30. Any way, let’s take a step back here. Shooting someone for talking during a movie is a little extreme. Is it just me or does this man need some serious psychological attention? Anger management classes at least. Complain to the manager, get your money back, or something. Shooting someone is so far down on the list of things to try, it is amusing. Not to the guy who got shot, but still funny. I think this guy should take a moment, while in jail, and ponder "what the hell was I thinking?!?!" The problem is he won't. We all know he won't.

The original story: http://www.cnn.com/2008/CRIME/12/27/movie.shooting/index.html

We are supposed to live in a civilized society. Are we really civilized or are we just domesticated? This is a question I am going to have to think about for a while. I’ll get back to you with an answer.

I hope everyone had a Merry Christmas.

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

To my family

This has been a weird year. I am going to attempt say thanks, I have no doubt I will forget something or say something wrong, understand what is below is from the heart and said with the best of intentions (Yes, I know which road is paved with these).

I turn 35 this year. It seems so old; then I look at my dad and realize he is 70. On the plus side all my stupidity did not seem to lead him to an early grave, which is a good thing.

I have the feeling that my dad and I have come to a mutual understanding. We are both full of crap in our own ways. He is still smarter than I am (I know I said it, it is now in print). It has been a good year with my dad. He used to have the uncanny ability to drive me crazy. Not so much anymore. However, he does have a telephone issue. He calls my cell and if I do not answer in time, he immediately calls the house phone. Give me a second to at least try an answer the other phone. Even the fact that he is a Democrat doesn’t bother me as much as it should.

My mother, God bless her, is still the same wonderful person she has always been. There is no other person on this planet that has the ability to care than her. She has a hidden strength that runs deep. She has put up with me and my dad, for that she should win an award.

Cat, my sister we have never been close, most of the time we are in different worlds. Since Thanksgiving we have talked a couple of times, which happens to be more than we have talked all year. I enjoy it. I hope the next year brings more frequent communications.

On to my wife, she also seems to have a hidden strength. Now, she may not be able to reach the top shelf without help of a ladder but she is a rock. I don’t know how she does it but I hope she never stops. For someone so short, she towers above many people. Just goes to show that even morons like me get lucky sometimes.

When M & M moved to Chicago I was not sure how it would work out. I was scared. Scared to make a mistake with them; not be able to teach them what they need to know. It has not been easy, but I feel that they have taught me a few things. I am happy they are here with us. They make everyday an adventure. For all the ways that they can drive me crazy, there are just as many things that they do that make me smile.

My best friend or brother from another mother has had a year that is full of ups and downs. His daughter has had more than her share of medical issues and is now (knock on wood) coming out of them. This year he lost his father and grandfather. Yet through all that the world throws at him, he stands there and rolls with the punches. Displaying character that I know his father would be proud of. I know that I am proud of him. It is difficult for guys to show emotions to other guys but he is my friend and I have learned a lot from him. I look forward to the next year with my friend. By the way, his family is expecting another baby.

On to my extended family, each has been a blessing. The teacher: always teaching and providing the guidance of a sage. The candy girl: crazy and interesting. I can never tell what she is going to do next. The brother-in-law and his hippy girl life partner, the only two people I know that seem to live life. This may not be true because I am on the outside looking in but it does seem that way. That leaves me with big H and exercise gal. I guess I could refer to these two as the travel twins, but I like the current names. They may not realize it but they are role models for the rest of the family. I know it sounds like I am out of my mind. They show the rest of us that getting older does not mean we have to slow down. I mean that in a good way. By setting the example of “do everything you can in your life and enjoy it, damn it.”

Each of you is a part of my family and I cannot say enough good things about you. I may not always show it or say it but I love you all.

Wow, that was pretty sappy. Sorry, my cynicism will return soon.

Monday, December 22, 2008

Christmas Shopping

I just now have recovered from yesterday’s experience to write about it. M & M left to hang out with their Chicago family. There is no noise in the house. It is a little weird. It is odd to become accustomed to the chaos.

So the kids left the house around 10 AM. Our adventure was just about to begin. We left shortly after. Now, when I say “We” I mean my @$$ did not have any other options. I tried to feign an illness. Denied. She parries all my excuses. “Dead man walking.” I hate shopping for, well, anyone but myself. Yes I know, I am selfish, we all are so get over it. Not only was I stuck going shopping but it just happened to be the cold freaking day of the year. There was not even a temperature, -4 F. The wind chill made it feel like -20 F.

Anyway, we decided to go to the mall. Now I have known for some time that I am not trendy or hip enough to shop at Woodfield. Every time I walk in there the feeling is reinforced. The mall now has all of these little kiosks in the middle of the walk way. I fade back to American Gladiators and get ready to run the gauntlet. Cut to the right to dodge the hair extension lady, weave back to the left to get by the heated pillow. Throw the Heisman at lotion lady. They come at you one after another. We began looking for some organic lotion as a gift. We enter “The Body Store”. The lotion we found was made from hemp and looked to be a perfect fit for the person for whom we were shopping. I glanced down and something that looked like Chap Stick caught my eye. It was a lip balm made from hemp. Not normally a big deal however, this particular item was a tester. Are you kidding me?!!? Who the hell would use a lip balm tester? I could not take it, so I left the store. We found one gift at the mall; one gift from hundreds of stores. Ridiculous. At any rate, after a number of other stores we finished off a couple of people on our list.

Christmas is only a few days away. We should all take a moment and reflect on the past year. Over the next few days I will be posting my reflections. Should be interesting.

As you can see I have added a few additions to the site. Here are some explanations:
“Web Sites I Enjoy” – Sites that I find interesting. Currently there is only one, which I really enjoy, everyone should check it out.

“What is Playing on the iPod” – Music that I am listening to. Some old some new, really just what I am currently listening to.

“What We are Reading” - A list of books that Lisa and I are currently reading or just finished.

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Winter Break

Well I can finally close the books on yet another semester of school. Winter break has now officially begun. No that does not mean I don’t have to work. So it is more like a half of a break. One semester to go (knock on wood); it seems so close but at the same moment so far away.

The kids are about to start their winter break as well. Friday is their last day. However according to the weatherman we are supposed to get 6 to 10 inches of snow tonight and another 2 to 3 tomorrow. I will believe it when I see it. The weatherman lies. He always lies. Come to think of it, that would not be a bad job. Do you even need an education to open a window and tell people it’s raining? Maybe set a cup outside to let everyone know how much rain we actually got. Who cares how much we got?!!? It is rain; there is not much we can do about it.

What was I talking about, oh that’s right the kids beginning winter break. They came home from school today and said they needed gifts for their teachers. Thanks for the warning. What gift does a teacher deserve? Shouldn’t the joy of teaching be enough to get them through the holiday?

Teachers, people who do the job not for the money but for what? Is it the love of teaching? Or is it the old adage “Those who can’t do, teach.” The job has to be difficult. They are providing the future generations with an education. Now we have no child left behind. What a bunch of crap. Other countries are kicking our @$$ in the education arena. We have to ensure that everyone gets an equal chance at a crappy education. Today we focus on math and reading. Students are measured on these two criteria. What happen to science and music? Well science is not all that important. What has it provided us in the past few hundred years? How about the automobile, modern medicine, telephones, and HD television? If there ever was an overrated activity that does not promote creativity music is it. Then there is the subject of gym. A nation that is obese does nothing but toss complaints out about playing games in gym (like dodge ball), because they can cause a child’s self-esteem to drop if they lose. SHUT THE HELL UP!! We are teaching our children that everyone is equal, when clearly we are not. There are people who win and people who lose. It is a fact. Deal with it.

So for now it seems we are stuck with the educational measuring stick at math and reading. I guess in this economy those are important tools to have. The problem is that these two are not working either. Millions of people can’t do the simple math of how much of a home they can afford. Then when they read the foreclosure notice they complain that no one told me this would happen. No need to worry because there was apparently a class in school that taught everyone how to blame their problems on other people.

Fine, I will climb down from the soapbox now. I am hungry.

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

New State Motto

"Illinois, where our governors make our license plates"

Thanks D for that one.

Yes the land of Lincoln, where everyone is encouraged to "vote early and often". One former governor already serving time in a federal prison, with another on the way.

Oh a let's not forget, Jesse Jackson Jr. the informer. Honestly and integrity run in the family there.

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

The best gift ever

Well, Christmas is just around the corner. The more I think about it, Christmas is becoming more of a pain in the @$$. I have to agree with Lisa’s brother who says “Christmas is the best time to shop for me.” Christmas has the best sales. All the things that I wanted throughout the year are cheaper. Yes, I realize that “it is better to give than receive.” Fine, I choose to give myself a bunch of stuff.

What is the best invention of Christmas? The Gift Exchange. Nothing else even comes close. You take 20 family members, place everyone’s name into a hat and then draw one name. ONE!! That is the only person you have to buy a gift for. To top it off there is a maximum dollar amount. The best gift ever.

Saturday, December 13, 2008

Don't give up

I was hoping for a lazy Saturday, but it is not going to happen. Finals start next week. Here is what I have to get done for next week:
  • A paper for International Relations due Monday. Will most likely end up around 15 pages.
  • Take an online final exam for Business Law Due by Tomorrow.
  • Normal class on Wednesday.
  • Finish paper for U.S. Elections, 10 pages, 5 are done. Prepare for a comprehensive final on Thursday.

Now that is what has to be done, here is what has transpired so far today. Michael had basketball pictures today. We had to go to the park district, along with every other kid in town who is playing basketball, to have team and individual photos. The only issue here was the fact that pictures were at 10:00AM then we had to drive to another location by 11:00AM for the game. Now just so you know I have all but inserted myself as a coach on the team. I didn't ask the other coach; I literally just walked on to the practice floor and started coaching the kids. This should not come as a shock to anyone who knows me. Let’s move on to the game or as I will start calling it operation chaos. For those of you that have not had the opportunity to see a fourth grade basketball game, you really should go at least once. It is basically 10 kids running up and down the floor with no particular place to go. Yes, the coaches have tried to teach them plays. THEY ARE 9 YEARS OLD!!!! They need to learn the fundamentals first. Like, oh I don’t know dribbling, passing, and how about shooting. .
Michael’s team, the Tar Heels, went into the game 0-3. Now anyone who knows Michael knows who well he handles losing. The team was looking good in warm-ups. Then the game started. To put it nicely the Tar Heels could not buy a basket. It was as if there was a lid over the basket. The other team could not miss. I am not even kidding. I have seen teams go on runs before but this was ridiculous. The half time score was 20 – 8. The previous three games the teams scored just a little over 20 for the game. The Tar heels were beginning to crumble. Michael and another player on the team were so distraught over the prospect of losing another game they were almost in tears. Now don’t get me wrong, I hate to lose as well, but if I lose I will try as hard as I can then go home and cry. The third quarter was played with little scoring. The fits on the side line where starting, Michael and the other child. I spoke with both kids and attempted to get their heads on straight and focus on the task at hand. It worked. Michael and the other kid played great. Passing back and forth and driving to the basket. The first half of the fourth quarter the two scored ten points combined while playing tight defense allowing only four points. A quick side note, all the kids play. Half of the team plays the first half of the quarter then the other half the second part. So the last part of the fourth quarter was maybe one of the most embarrassing times of mine and Lisa’s lives. Michael was not playing; his was sitting on the bench throwing a MAJOR fit. He really hates to lose. It really took all my control not to drag him out of the gym. The Tar Heels lost 36 – 22.

The really hard part about raising a 9 year old is teaching him how to win and lose with class. Kids just don’t get the fact that in just about everything they do there are winners and losers (More on this in another post). It is not just about showing up, it is about showing up, playing hard, and never giving up until the end of the game. I don’t know how I am going to teach this lesson. But I won’t give up.

Friday, December 12, 2008

In the Beginning

Just to clarify, the site title “Live Life” refers to the Webster’s dictionary definition of “Live” which means “to have a life rich in experience.” It is my opinion everyone should have the goal to live life. Do everything you can to enjoy it while it lasts.