Friday, February 6, 2009

What could I do today?

I could mock the moron single mother in California for bringing in 8 more morons into her family of 6 other morons.

I could mock the Presidential cabinet selections for not paying their taxes, even though one of them is the head of the IRS.

I could mock the majority of people who are so self involved and self centered to notice anything else going on in this world.

I could mock the French. Why not?

I could mock all the morons on Facebook. Most of whom I attended high school with, and I am learning quickly that while they no longer attend high school they still act like it.

I could mock the pimp here in Chicago that was arrested 12 times for driving with a suspended license, and ordered to spend 10 days in jail starting today, except for the fact that on the day of his sentencing, the 23rd of Jan, he was arrested 20 minutes after his hearing for; yes you guessed it, driving home.

I could mock myself for turning 36 and not having graduated from school yet.

I could mock my wife for being short and I could definitely mock her driving (except it scares me).

I could mock my father for being a Democrat.

I could mock my friend who was in the Army, but is currently looking for blue light specials for being an elitist Republican.

I could mock my friend at BOA for being in a work sorority.

I could go on and on, but I will not.

As most of you know today is my 36th birthday. I know some of you are surprised I made it that far. Some of you are surprised my lovely wife has not smothered me with a pillow yet, maybe for next Christmas. Everyone knows that it is easy to mock people or find faults in others. One of the hardest things in life is to find and acknowledge the faults within one’s self. This is what I believe that life is or should be about; locating our own faults and doing everything we can to make them better. If you are sitting reading this thinking “but I have no faults”, reach up slowly with your hand and slap yourself. You do. It does not matter if you are 36 or 76. There is always something we can change to better ourselves. I know that I have to work harder on finding my faults and do everything I can to correct them.

I do not want my birthday to be just about me, so I am going to make my birthday wishes for other people:

I wish that we all can become better people tomorrow than we are today.

To my friend MP in Afghanistan, I wish for your safety and the safety of those fighting with you. We’ve got your back here.

To my friend the Professor, I wish for everything to get resolved peacefully. As you know sometimes life is difficult, hell it could be worse, everything could be what it used to be.

To my friend TopCop and his family, I wish for a healthy new baby and health to find my niece. These are the days that will make you stronger as a family. You know that I am here if you need me for anything.

To my friends the couple that is on plan in Charlotte, I wish you all the best with your first child, which is due in a month now. I will say this, anyone who has had children knows that no matter how well you have things planned, it all goes to shit the first moment you see you child. So prepare yourselves for an adventure like you have never experienced or could have even imagined. There is something about children that can take you over the highest mountains while at the same time bring you to your knees in prayer. Always remember that you have friends and that they are here for you. There are also people that you may not have considered friends before but they are also here for you.

To my parents, I wish for you to live as long as you like and see and experience everything your heart’s desire. My inheritance be damned. I know my baby sis was going to get it all anyway, so enjoy life you cannot take it with you.

To my father in-law and potential future step-mother-in-law or whatever, I wish for you both to find happiness in whatever you do; whether that is 10 fathoms under the sea, or sipping margaritas on a beach.

To the son of my potential future step-mother-in-law or whatever, I wish you were not so damn smart. I do envy you and the journey you are about to begin. If you ever need some really bad advice, ask my father-in-law. If you even need advice on what not to do ask me. If you need good advice, sorry I think you may be in the wrong family.

To my children, I wish that you find peace and happiness throughout your lives. M & M you are facing what will be the tipping point in your lives. You will learn or you are not going to make it to your next birthday.

To my Oklahoma Girl, I wish you stay just the way you are. You have an incredible strength that inspires me.

To my sis, I wish that you would get off your ass and bring your family up to visit more often. There is more to do in Chicago than it PC.

To my wife, I wish that you get everything you wish for in the coming year. I know it’s a big list, but dreams do come true, I know I married you.

To my brother-in-law and hippie girl, I wish you two would just figure out what the hell you are going to do and do it.

To my friend who never forgets anyone, I wish for you to find your soul mate. Whatever the distance that must be traveled, down the street or across the country, if you need a ride let me know.

To my sorority girl friend (everyone shut up I know how that sounds), I wish you and your husband the best and hope for continued happiness.

To everyone else, I wish for you to find what you are looking for in life. Once you have it hold on to it.

To those that have passed on over the past year, my wish is that we can celebrate your lives and not morn them. You will always hold a special place in our hearts and for that we love you and miss you. We will do everything we can not to let you down.

My final wish is for Robert Joseph Acalotto and his family. I know that all of you have no idea who this person is; to be honest I didn’t know either until a few days ago. Robert Acalotto, born January 30th 1951, was a SP 4 in the Army attached to the 48th Aviation Company, 223rd Aviation Battalion, and 1st Aviation Brigade in Vietnam. He was a door gunner in a UH1C (Huey Helicopter). His helicopter was shot down February 20th 1971 over Laos during Operation Dewey Canyon II. While the helicopter made a safe landing, the pilot was the only member of the crew ever seen again and that was in numerous POW camps. SP 4 Acalotto was never found nor was he confirmed dead; he is listed as Missing in Action. I tell you this story because we should never forget those people who came before us and gave everything they had for this country. I proudly wear a bracelet to remember him and the cost that he paid.

Until Tomorrow


  1. How could you forget a shout out to the dog? I think she is the only thing that keeps you sane these days, and that is not saying much.

  2. Thats great! What's even funnier though is... I called mom and was talking to her about it and she says "Well, what Chris doesn't know is that he is getting alittle bit." We will be up for your graduation. Mom wants me to ride with them and also bring Bree. Don't know if I can handle the drive...we'll see. Have a great b-day today.

  3. Am trying to post a comment and have failed three times!! So here goes again...Hope you had a great, relaxing birthday, and we'll see you in May. Love to all, Mom
