Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Short Post

What have I been missing? It seems that with school and work that I have not been keeping up with this place. I will attempt to change that with shorter posts more often. I have been told by someone, my wife, that my posts are too long. This will just be a test as most of you know that I am very long winded.

So I am sitting at school now, about 20 minutes before my first exam of the semester. It feels like a milestone but it is really only the beginning of the end. The end of “I must get a degree” phase, which I hope will soon be followed by the “I get to actually get my second degree” phase. This will no doubt be followed by the “holy crap, I have to pay back how much for student loans” phase. This test should be easy. I may have mentioned before that I took a Journalism class so I could write more, however the only Journalism class on the planet with no writing is the class I selected. Oh well, it is just a filler class anyway.

So last night I got home from school at my normal time, around 9:30ish, and I was searching for something to eat. I came across some chicken and cheese taquitos, a great quick microwavable food. Here is where the taquitos bother me. They say there are two servings in a box, which is fine, but they put 15 in the box. Why not add one more freaking taquito? It is not like they would have to make the box bigger.

Until Tomorrow

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